

Condiciones de Usuario

1. a) Personal information

For the acquisition of the quality of User, it is enough the only acceptance (according to the forms foreseen in point 1.) of the General Terms and Conditions, and private individuals arranged or available to Visit Patagonia. However, for the use of some services, or the acquisition of certain products, the prior registration of the User is established as a requirement. Said registry shall have the purpose of establishing the identity and information of the User.

1. b) Legal capacity of the users.

They can only access and use the services included in Visit Patagonia, who under the current legislation in their place of residence can validly issue their consent for the conclusion of contracts. Those who, in accordance with current legislation, do not have such capacity, may only use the site through their legal representatives, who will be held responsible for all acts performed for the benefit of those unable to do so. In the case of acting on behalf of a legal entity, the User must have sufficient powers to contract on behalf of the entity invoked and to bind it in the terms of this document. If the User does not have such powers, or act in excess of them, it will be understood that he has also committed himself on a personal basis.

2. General Conditions of the Tourist Services Contract

Without prejudice to any other provision included in this text, Visit Patagonia informs Users that by virtue of Resolution No. 256/2000 of the Tourism Secretariat of the Nation, the contracting of tourist services will be adjusted to the following conditions:


  1. The price and / or reservation of the services that make up the tour are subject to modifications without prior notice when there is an alteration in services, changes in costs or in the expected exchange rates, for reasons not attributable to the parties. 2) All amounts paid before final confirmation of services are charged as a reservation. The definitive confirmation of the services and respective prices will occur with the issuance of tickets and / or service orders and the corresponding billing. 3) Credit operations must meet the specific requirements set for them. Failing that, the interested party must complete the payment of the balances in the terms and conditions established in the contract.


accommodation in the hotels mentioned in the itineraries or others of the same or higher category, occupying single, double, triple rooms, etc. According to the chosen rate, with private bathroom and taxes. Meal regime as indicated at each opportunity. Visits and excursions mentioned. Transfers to and from airports, terminals and hotels, when indicated. The expected number of days of accommodation taking into account that the day of hotel accommodation is computed from fifteen hours and ends at twelve hours the next day, regardless of the time of arrival and departure and the full or fractional use thereof . The duration of the tour will be indicated in each case taking as the first day, the departure and as last included on the day of departure, regardless of the departure or arrival time on the first day or the last day.


<p class="uppercase">1) Extras, drinks, laundry, tips, boarding fees, service taxes, VAT and other taxes, current and / or future, or any service that is not expressly indicated in the order of service issued by the travel agent. 2) Stays, meals and / or additional expenses or damages caused by cancellations, delays in departures or arrivals of means of transport, or for unforeseen reasons outside the company. 3) Food en route, except those that were expressly included in the programs. 4) Expenses and interest in credit operations.


The company reserves the right to make the tour leave at any point of the same passenger whose conduct, manner of action, state of health or other serious reasons in the opinion of the company cause danger or cause discomfort to the other travelers or may spoil the success of the tour or the normal development of it.


For travel abroad, it is necessary to comply with the legislation in force in each case. It is the inexcusable responsibility of the agency to reliably and sufficiently inform about the requirements required by the immigration, customs and sanitary authorities of the destinations included in the tour, being the sole responsibility of the passenger to have the personal documentation required by the authorities mentioned above.


  1. In the event of cancellation of credit operations, the amounts paid for the report, administrative expenses, stamps and interest will not be reimbursed. 2) In the case of withdrawal that affects services contracted in firm by the agency, the reimbursement thereof will be subject to the contractual conditions under which the respective companies provide their services. In all cases of reimbursements, the agency may retain the price of the expenses incurred plus the commission of ten percent of the services contracted with third parties.


The stipulated in the previous point applies. Notwithstanding this, in these cases only the proportion of the price corresponding to the terrestrial services (hotels, boarding, excursions) determined by the organizer will be reimbursed according to the modality with which the providers of the services operate. For this clause to be valid, the quality of the transport must be determined in the first document delivered to the passenger.


The right granted to the client by the tourism services contract, may be transferred or transferred to other persons up to 30 days before the departure date, provided that the requirements of the carrier, the hotelier or lender do not contradict it. of services. In the assumptions that passengers are of different ages (major-minor), the price will be adjusted according to rates. In all cases of assignment or transfer, the company may receive the surcharge of 10% of the amount agreed.


  1. The company expressly declares that it acts as an intermediary in the reservation or contracting of the different services linked to and included in the respective tour or reservation of services: hotels, restaurants, means of transport or other providers. However, the responsibilities of the company, whether it intervenes as an organizer or intermediary of travel will be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in the International Convention Relating to the Travel Contract approved by Law No. 19,918. 2) The company is not responsible for the events that occur by fortuitous event or force majeure, weather phenomena or events of nature that occur before or during the development of the tour that prevent, delay or in any way hinder the total or partial execution of the benefits committed by the company, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code


  1. The company reserves the right, for technical or operational reasons, to totally or partially alter the daily ordering and / or services that make up the tour, before or during the execution of the same. 2) Unless expressly stated otherwise, the stipulated hotels may be exchanged for another of equal or greater category within the same urban nucleus without any charge for the passenger. Regarding these variations, the passenger will not be entitled to any compensation. 3) The company may cancel any tour when any of the circumstances provided in art. 24 of Decree No. 2182/72. 4) Once the trip has begun, the suspension, modification or interruption of the services by the passenger for personal reasons of any kind, will not give rise to any claim, refund or any refund.ARBITRATION CLAUSE: Any issue arising from the celebration, performance, breach, extension or termination of this contract, may be submitted by the parties to the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Argentine Association of Travel and Tourism Agencies and / or of the Arbitration Courts that work in their Regionals. In case of submission of said jurisdiction, the contracting parties are subject to and accept all the conditions established by the Rules of the Arbitral Tribunal.


This contract and, where appropriate, the provision of services, will be governed exclusively by these general conditions, by Law No. 18,829 and its regulations and by the Brussels Convention approved by Law No. 19,918. General conditions together with the remaining documentation that is delivered to the passengers will conform the Travel Contract established by the aforementioned Convention.

3. Exclusion of responsibility from the Site.

Visit Patagonia, constitutes a Site destined to the promotion, diffusion and commercialization of services of multiple tour operators. The activities of Visit Patagonia are limited to intermediation in booking or contracting tourist services of various kinds.Visit Patagonia is not in any case the supplier of the products exhibited on the Site, does not provide or lend such products or services by itself. The User acknowledges and accepts that Visit Patagonia, is not responsible in relation to the incidents of the relationship that the User may engage with a provider from the information published on the Site, whether they refer to the prices, qualities and characteristics of the service, its availability, sales conditions, among others. Responsibility is reserved for the supplier of the product or service.The mere fact that a User is contacted to make a reservation or a purchase of a service displayed on the Site, will mean that the User has actually taken knowledge directly from the supplier of the selected product on all its characteristics, and conditions of sale.

4. Term of validity of the offer and price.

The prices of the products and services available on the Site, while they appear on it, will only be valid and applicable to it, and will be subject to modifications. The administration of Visit Patagonia, may modify any information contained in this site, including that related to products, services, prices, stocks and conditions, at any time and without prior notice.

5. Use of personal data registered on the site.

As it is more widely exposed in the Privacy Policy, the personal data of the Users referred to in these Terms and Conditions, will have the purpose of improving the work of information and marketing of the products and services provided. Under no circumstances does Visit Patagonia reveal or share financial information related to Users.

6. Violations of the System or Databases.

Any action or use of devices, software, or other instruments tending to interfere in both the activities and operations of Visit Patagonia, as well as in the offers, descriptions, accounts or databases of Visit Patagonia is unlawful. Any interference, attempt or activity that violates or contravenes the laws on intellectual property rights, security of the systems, and / or the prohibitions stipulated in this document will make the responsible party liable for the pertinent legal actions and the sanctions provided for in this agreement.

7. Intellectual Property

The contents of the web pages related to the services of Visit Patagonia, as well as the information; brands; tradenames; designations; data; texts; graphics; images; designs; Photographs; Audio; videos; logos; icons; programs; databases; and archives, are property of Vidit Patagonia, or of the supplying companies, and are protected by laws and international treaties of copyright, trademarks, patents, models and industrial designs (Paris Union, Berne Convention, Treaty of the WIPO on Copyright, TRIPS agreement, etc.). The improper use and total or partial reproduction of said contents are forbidden, unless expressly authorized in writing by Visit Patagonia

8. Links or Hyperlinks to Visit Patagonia

The establishment of any “hyperlink” or link, between a website outside the Site and any page of the latter can only be done with express authorization of the Administration of Visit Patagonia.In any case Visit Patagonia will be responsible for the contents or existing manifestations in the web pages from where the hyperlinks to the site of Visit Patagonia are established. The fact that there is a hyperlink between a web page and the Visit Patagonia site does not imply that Visit Patagonia has knowledge of it, or that Visit Patagonia maintains any relationship with the owners of the web page from which the link is established.Visit Patagonia, reserves the right to request the removal or elimination of any link from a website outside the site, at any time, without expression of cause, and without any prior notice being necessary. The person in charge of the website from which the link will be made will have a period of 48 hours. counted from the order of Visit Patagonia to proceed with the removal or elimination of it.

9. Links or Hyperlinks from Visit Patagonia

The hyperlinks or links existing on the Site of Patagonia, which connect with third-party web pages, are intended to improve the user’s browsing experience through the Visit Patagonia site, making available tools, content and services provided by third parties unrelated to Visit Patagonia.Visit Patagonia does not control, endorse or guarantee the security, quality, legality, veracity and suitability of the services and contents offered or provided by third parties on the site, or through it when they are outside the site. In that order, you will not be liable for damages that users who acquire products or use third-party services may experience.The access and use of linked web pages from the Visit Patagonia site will be the sole responsibility of the user, who must take all necessary precautionary measures according to the type of service, content accessed, or product purchased.The user who considers a linked page inappropriate from the site, may raise his complaint or recommendation through the complaint mechanism made available to users by Visit Patagonia.

10. Use of the Site. Control measures

Any use of the services that is intended, harm the rights of Visit Patagonia, injure the rights of third parties, contravene the legal order or constitute an offensive practice against the security and integrity of the systems, will be considered as prohibited use of services or contents, in so far as it transgresses the purposes for which it was made available to users.Control measuresWithout prejudice to the legal actions born at the head of Visit Patagonia or third parties, when the use of the services, carried out by a user can be considered a prohibited use, Visit Patagonia will take the measures it deems appropriate according to its exclusive criteria, being able to suspend or prevent access to services or content to those users involved in the prohibited use thereof, and without prior communication to do so.In particular, it will be considered that you have mediated prohibited use if:• a) Any law, the rights of a third party, public order, morality and good customs, or any of the stipulations of the Terms and Conditions and other provisions of Visit Patagonia will be violated.• b) If you breach your commitments as a User.• c) If it is incurred at the discretion of Visit Patagonia in conduct or fraudulent or fraudulent acts.• d) The identity of the User or any information provided by the User could not be verified erroneously.

11. Site availability

Visit Patagonia makes its best efforts to maintain and improve the quality of its services, however, it does not guarantee access and continuous and uninterrupted use of its site. The system may not be available due to technical difficulties or connectivity failures, or any other circumstance outside Visit Patagonia; in such cases, efforts will be made to restore it as quickly as possible without incurring any responsibility whatsoever.Visit Patagonia does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and data included in the site, it will not be responsible for any error or omission contained in its website. In any case Visit Patagonia will answer for the correct provision and security of the products and services provided by third parties.

12. Access to services.

Notwithstanding the obligation to comply with these Terms and Conditions, the services and contents offered on the Site are freely accessible by Users.The free access does not include the facilities of connection to Internet. Under no circumstances does Visit Patagonia provide users with the necessary connectivity for them to access the Internet. It will be by exclusive account, charge and responsibility of each user the provision of the necessary technical means to access the Internet.Visit Patagonia reserves the right to modify, change, add, or eliminate access conditions at any time, which will be published on the site. Likewise, Visit Patagonia or the supplier companies may temporarily modify the policy of rates, reservations, and / or discounts for their products or services due to promotions, these modifications being effective once published on the Site, remaining valid until the date of their finalization or modification according to what happens first.

13. Changes and Modifications

Visit Patagonia will be able to introduce all the changes and modifications that it deems appropriate at its sole discretion, on these Terms and Conditions, at any time and without prior notice, just the mere publication on the Site of the modified terms. All modified terms will take effect on the day following their publication. Within 3 (three) days following the publication of the modifications introduced, the User must communicate by email the rejection of the same; in that case the link will be dissolved and will be disabled as User. Upon expiration of this term, the User will be deemed to accept the new terms.

14. Contact information

For the purposes that users can contact the Administration of Visit Patagonia, communications addressed to: will be considered valid.The notifications and communications sent by Visit Patagonia to the postal address or, telephone, or to the e-mail box consigned directly by the user, or that which appears as the address or email address of the sender, will be considered effective and fully valid. Likewise, communications that consist of notices and messages inserted in the Site, or that are sent during the provision of a service, whose purpose is to inform users about a certain circumstance, will be considered effective.

15. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

This agreement will be governed in all its points by the laws in force in the Argentine Republic. Any dispute arising from this agreement, its existence, validity, interpretation, scope or compliance, will be submitted to the ordinary courts with jurisdiction in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.


Nuestra tarea es convertir estos lugares en experiencias inolvidables. Caminar, navegar, pescar, cabalgar, remar, trepar, contemplar, meditar, son solo algunas de las tantas actividades que ofrecemos.




Av del Libertador 1532
El Calafate
Santa Cruz, Argentina
Tel: +5492966635394


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